Absorb It

Absorb LMS is designed to set new standards in both eLearning software and support, because, well, we're people too. Committed to the simple idea that anything worth doing is worth doing fanatically well. Thoughtful design is how we help companies unleash their talent. Elegant engineering is how we help them flourish.
Absorb it. Define absorb. absorb synonyms, absorb pronunciation, absorb translation, English dictionary definition of absorb. assimilate; consume; soak up: A sponge absorbs water. Not to be confused with: adsorb – gather a substance on a surface: Charcoal will adsorb gasses.... Tentang KBBI daring ini. Aplikasi Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) ini merupakan KBBI Daring (Dalam Jaringan / Online tidak resmi) yang dibuat untuk memudahkan pencarian, penggunaan dan pembacaan arti kata (lema/sub lema). Berbeda dengan beberapa situs web (website) sejenis, kami berusaha memberikan berbagai fitur lebih, seperti kecepatan akses, tampilan dengan berbagai warna pembeda untuk. Global oil markets won’t be able to absorb planned production increases by OPEC+ members as demand remains weaker than expected, said the head of commodities trader Mercuria Energy Group. Absorb definition: If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Absorb is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) engineered to inspire learning and fuel business productivity. Our online learning platform combines forward-thinking technology built to scale as your organization grows, with superb customer service rarely seen in the LMS space. Absorb.Asia, Review situs & website jual beli online, Daftar barang terlaris di toko online di indonesia, Belanja online terbaik, termurah, aman dan terpercaya 57 synonyms of absorb from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 82 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for absorb. Absorb: to take in (something liquid) through small openings. Absorb also maintains the highest LMS compliance standards for data security and privacy protection (GDPR). Modern mobile app—Empower learning, even without internet connection. The Absorb Learn mobile app maintains uniformity with the web LMS. Learners can train offline, then course progress automatically syncs when internet connection restores.
Chemistry and biology. Absorption (chemistry), diffusion of particles of gas or liquid into liquid or solid materials Absorption (skin), a route by which substances enter the body through the skin Absorption (pharmacology), absorption of drugs into the body Absorption (biology), digestion Absorption (small intestine) CO 2 scrubber, the absorbent (of carbon dioxide) in a rebreather Abs0rb.me - The game of cells The only blob game (similar to Agar.io) with skin rewards and a marketplace. A brand new game where you can sell and buy skins with friends, create clans, make friends, and complete challenges to earn great rewards! absorb definition: 1. to take something in, especially gradually: 2. to reduce the effect of a physical force, shock…. Learn more. absorb absorbs absorbed absorbed absorbing 1 Digunakan juga untuk semua bentuk persona dan kala kecuali untuk kala kini persona ketiga tunggal (he, she, it) dan untuk kala lampau. 2 Digunakan pula pada gerund.
absorb translate: впитывать , усваивать , поглощать, всасывать . Learn more in the Cambridge English-Russian Dictionary. Absorpsi: Proses suatu bahan (absorbat) diretensi oleh bahan lain (absorben); ini dapat berupa larutan fisik gas, cairan, atau padatan dalam cairan, pengikatan molekul suatu gas, uap, cairan, atau pelarutan bahan pada permukaan padatan melalui gaya fisika, dll. Dalam spektrofotometri, absorpsi cahaya pada panjang gelombang tertentu digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi sifat kimia suatu molekul. Absorb is a damage prevention keyword ability, written as Absorb N, where N is any natural number. It prevents N damage from each single source that deals damage to the creature. Absorb was introduced in Future Sight. By its nature as a damage prevention ability, this is a white ability. It has only been printed on one card so far, the timeshifted Lymph Sliver. This mechanic was inspired by a. In chemistry, absorption is a physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules or ions enter some bulk phase – liquid or solid material. This is a different process from adsorption, since molecules undergoing absorption are taken up by the volume, not by the surface (as in the case for adsorption).A more general term is sorption, which covers absorption, adsorption, and.
Russia could ‘absorb’ Belarus and threaten NATO Abraham Mahshie 5 days ago. Opinion: The BREATHE Act is the policy change America needs. Why Regional Supermarket Wegmans is the Best in the. absorb: 1 v take in a liquid “The sponge absorbs water well” Synonyms: draw , imbibe , soak up , sop up , suck , suck up , take in , take up Types: show 5 types... hide 5 types... mop , mop up , wipe up to wash or wipe with or as if with a mop blot dry (ink) with blotting paper sponge up absorb as if with a sponge swab , swob wash with a swab. absorb: [verb] to take in (something, such as water) in a natural or gradual way. to take in (knowledge, attitudes, etc.) : acquire, learn. use up, consume. absorb (oneself) in (something) To occupy or preoccupy oneself completely with activity or pursuit. Greg absorbed himself in video games every day after school. I wanted to impress Juliet, so I absorbed myself in music by her favorite band. See also: absorb absorb (someone or something) in(to) (something) 1. To integrate someone or something into a new.
Another word for absorb. Find more ways to say absorb, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.